How To Make Your Hair Grow Longer

How To Make Your Hair Grow Longer

Have thin hair or even bald can be a bad thing for some people, especially for women. Especially if we have a bald spot that did not happen because of our desire, but occurs either due to excessive hair loss, due to the influence of age, or due to the influence of certain diseases.

At a time when the hair is everything. Almost all people think hair is important in appearance. Therefore, hair loss and baldness can be a nightmare for those who experience it. Bald hair care is needed to address this issue.
Hair that does not happen because of his own fertile caused by several reasons, among which :

Effect of Age.  

   The older one, of course slow down the hair will grow increasingly infertile and also makes it easier to go bald.

2. Nutrition Deficiencies. 
   Someone who consume less protein and minerals tend to be more susceptible to damage hair and baldness.

3. Hair Loss.  
    If left in place too long, small problems like hair loss can cause other problems such as baldness is more serious. Hair loss can happen because they own several causes (more: Causes of Hair Loss). 

4. Effect of Certain Diseases.  

     Problems grow hair bald and infertile also often complained of by some people with lupus and diabetes. 

How To Make Your Hair Grow Longer
Here is how to make your hair grow longer 
Eat foods rich in vitamins and minerals. These foods can you meet on vegetables and fruits. Feel free to consume plenty of water. It is good for your health and your hair. 

1. Eggs
How to grow hair naturally can be done by utilizing the yolk . Apply egg yolk on the hair and scalp . Then , massage the scalp for 10 to 15 minutes . After that , wash your hair using shampoo to clean , so as not to leave a fishy scent on the hair . It's good , do this process three to four times a week .
2. Coconut milk
Coconut milk can also be used as a natural ingredient for hair growth . This method has been popular since ancient times . Apply 300 to 500 ml of coconut milk into the scalp and hair , cover hair with a warm towel and let stand for 15 to 20 minutes . Then rinse with cold water . With this treatment , the hair will be softer and shiny . When done regularly , it can be seen significant results in hair growth . Perform this process 3 to 4 times a week.
 3. Apple leather
Apple skin has several basic vitamins that can increase blood circulation to the scalp . Moreover, it can grow hair perfectly, Fruits are rich in polyphenols can combat hair loss problems. Apple skin can make the hair more healthy and nutritious. Puree apple skin , then apply to the hair , leave on for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

4. Ginkgo Biloba
Gingko biloba is a natural ingredient to grow hair on your head . Crops originating from China is well known for treating some diseases , one of which is to overcome hair loss . Alternative medicine works to stimulate hair growth and strengthens the hair shaft.This mode of treatment is the use of ginkgo biloba ginkgo biloba rubbing oil on the hair and scalp. Oil ginkgo biloba can be found in pharmacies or drug stores in china .green tea.
5. Green tea
Green tea is very good for hair growth. High content of antioxidants in green tea make the blood circulation to the hair the better. In addition, green tea also serves to make the hair growth faster and healthier. How treatment is brewed green tea, then smeared on the scalp and the hair. Then wrap your hair using a towel, wait 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

6. Tamarind seed
Pecan seed contains can fertilize and black hair . how that is done is to burn until the charred hazelnut seed then milled . Then apply to the hair . Well done at night but do not forget to wrap the head so the pillow does not come in black. Wash your hair with shampoo the next day.
7. Olive oil
Olive oil not only improves the process of hair growth, but it also can nourish your scalp condition. Quite drops four to five drops of olive oil after shampooing, then massage the scalp. Preferably, do it at night so that the content of olive oil absorbed in the scalp. In the morning, wash your hair thoroughly.
8. Coconut oil
How to grow hair naturally minyyak next is a bunch of coconuts . Dandruff can inhibit hair growth . To get rid of dandruff and hair grow faster , you can rub coconut oil on the scalp to the hair . Make sure all the hair roots exposed to oil . If this process is done every day , then within 15 days , the dandruff will be gone and the hair roots strong , so that hair growth can be faster.
 Ok, that's How to Make Your Hair Grow Longer, may be useful, I shall see in the next article, thank you.

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